
Price List

Miscellaneous Parts

Effective: 01/01/2025

Prices F.O.B. Factory - Subject to change without notice
List prices - except where noted. All NET costs are not eligible for discount
All prices shown in U.S. Dollars

DescriptionPart #Price
Aluminum Rungs (24" standard size)RA-1$28.00/ea
Aluminum Rungs-Heavy Duty (must specify 26" or 28" when ordering)$30.00/ea
Aluminum Rung Tubing by the foot (20' max. length)ART-1$11.00/ft
Aluminum Rung Tubing - Heavy Duty by the foot (20' max. length)$17.00/ft
Cable (replacement)$6.00/ft
Cable Repair Kit - cable comes with kit-need to know length & type of ladderCRK$60.00/kit
End Caps - Small - rivets included
(Need to know rail height, series of ladder (700/1000/800/900) and plain or notched)
End Caps -Large - rivets included
(Need to know rail height, series of ladder (1200/1500/YG/500) and plain or notched)
End Caps - Flat - rivets included
(Need to know rail height, series of ladder and plain or notched)
End Caps for a 585A Folding Ladder
(NEW Aluminum extruded caps with rivets)
Fiberglass Rung Assembly
(Need to have dimension/info sheet completed - rivets are not included in this cost, they are extra)
Fiberglass Pike Pole Sleeve Kit
(inside sleeve, outside collar, 8 rivets)
Fire Ladder Label (Danger/Angle/Electrical)FLL-1$4.00/pr/NET
Heat Sensor LabelsHSL-1$1.00/ea/NET
    Roll of 500HSL-500$450.00/roll/NET
    Roll of 1000HSL-1000$800.00/roll/NET
    Roll of 5000HSL-5000$3,500.00/roll/NET
Hinge Assembly for 35B$303.00/pr
    Hinge Lock Pin Only$14.00/ea/NET
    Lanyard only w/rivet for Hinge Lock Pin$20.00/ea/NET
    35B Hitch Pin & Chain$18.00/ea/NET
    Spreader Arm Hitch Pin Clip only (no chain) with 2 rivets$18.00/ea/NET
    Spreader Arms with Hardware Complete$165.00/set/NET
Hinge Assembly for 300A$154.00/pr
    300A Slide Bars$150.00/pr
    300A Angle Stop or T for the Fly$75.00/ea/NET
    300A Slide Guides$25.00/pr
Hog Ring$4.00/ea/NET
Ladder Lock Assembly Complete
(Need to know what ladder type and which section middle/fly - A/B or C/D)
Ladder Lock Parts Only
    Shoulder bolts and nuts only$4.00/ea/NET
    Lock Finger onlyLF-1$10.00/ea
    Lock Hooks onlyLH-1$22.00/ea
    Lock Housing only (back and cover)$66.00/pr
    Lock Spring only$10.00/ea
    Lock Spring only - Training(weaker type)$10.00/ea
    Nylon Washer (small-used with lock finger)$.75/ea/NET
    Nylon Washer (large-used at base of lock hook)$.75/ea/NET
Ladder WaxLW-1$16.00/brick/NET
Lock Housing Repair KitLHRK18.00/ea/kit
Lock Rung Holder with BoltsLRH-1$17.00/pr
Locks for 300A Ladder$35.00/pr
MudGuard Kit$150.00/kit
Number Stickers for Ladders (#10, #24, #35 etc.)$1.25/ea/NET
Pike Pole Parts
    Head only for Fiberglass Pole (comes with collar)FPH$35.00/ea
    Collar only$17.00/ea
    D-Handle only for Fiberglass PoleFP-DH$42.00/ea
    Butt End only for Fiberglass PoleFPBE-1$6.00/ea/NET
    Fiberglass Pole hollow shaft only (no head no butt)$11.00/ft/NET
Prong Feet - Small - rivets included
(Need to know rail height and ladder type (700/1000/800/900) and plain or notched)
Prong Feet - Large - rivets included
(Need to know rail height and ladder type (1200/1500/YG/500) and plain or notched)
Pulleys - all include nuts & bolts
    #1 - Single-Angled Rope PulleyNSP-1R$75.00/ea
    #2 - Single-Straight Pulley (rung attachment on top)NSP-1S$80.00/ea
    #3 - Single-Straight Cable PulleyNSP-1C$75.00/ea
    #4 - Single-Angled Pulley w/Rope ClipNSP-1RC$100.00/ea
    #5 - Single-Straight Pulley w/Rope Clip(rung attachment on top)NSP-1SC$100.00/ea
    #6 - Double-Straight Pulley (rung attachment on top)NSP-2S$125.00/ea
    #7 - Double-Angled PulleyNSP-2$125.00/ea
Rail Guards for LaddersRG-1$6.00/ea/NET
    #1 - Round Head 3/16" x 3/16" grip range (for plates/end Caps/FG rung)$0.50/ea/NET
    #2 - Counter Sunk 3/16" x 1/4" grip range (for grooved plates)$0.55/ea/NET
    #3 - Round Head 3/16" long reach (for FG End Caps, D-handles)$0.60/ea/NET
    #4 - Round Head 3/16" stainless steel 1/4" (for large 500-over 30ft, lock rungs, prong feet)$0.70/ea/NET
    #5 - Stainless Steel Compression (for 585 End Caps)$0.75/ea/NET
    #6 - Fiberglass Pike Pole Head Rivets$1.00/ea/NET
    #7 - Round Head 1/8" x 1/4" (for SSWS)$1.00/ea/NET
    #9 - Brass Rivets for 585A Ladders (specify long or short and location)$1.00/ea/NET
Roof Hook Assembly (standard size 3/4")RH-1$125.00/pr
Roof Hook Assembly (heavy duty 7/8" size)RH-2$160.00/pr
Roof Hook Assembly (for fiberglass ladders standard 3/4" size)RH-YG$200.00/pr
Roof Hook Parts Only
    Blocks for Fiberglass Ladders$25.00/ea
    Hooks Only$40.00/pr
    Housing Only$28.00/ea
    Springs Only$12.00/ea/NET
    Bolts Only$2.00/ea/NET
    Square and Pin Only$15.00/ea
    Manila - 3/8"ROPE-3/8$1.25/ft/NET
    Manila - 1/2"ROPE-1/2$1.75/ft/NET
    Coil complete (1200') 3/8"MR-1$230.00/NET/coil
    Coil complete (600') 3/8"MR-1-600$120.00/NET/coil
    Coil complete (1200') 1/2"MR-2$350.00/NET/coil
    Coil complete (600') 1/2"MR-2-600$250.00/NET/coil
Rope Clips/Cable Clips (comes with bolts)RC-1$17.00/pr
Rubber Rung Covers
    Ordered on a new ladderRRC-1$28.00/ea/NET
    Replacement on a ladder - Split, includes 3/ea clipsSRRC-1$75.00/ea/NET
    Replacement clips only for covers$15.00/ea/NET
Rungs for 585A Ladder (not locking rung) - rivets included585A-RA$28.00/ea
Locking Rung Assembly for 585A ladder rungs585A-LR$39.00/ea
Rung Assembly for 500 series ladder
(need measurements)
Rung Assembly for 500 series ladder - Double Rung
(need measurements)
Call for price
Rung Brace Assembly - Kit includes 2/ea braces, 2/ea plates, 16/ea rivets
    Small KitRB-1$62.00/ea/kit
    Large KitRB-2$66.00/ea/kit
Rung Expander Kit - purchase or loan, incl. reamer tool
Mandrel only for replacement purposes - must be returned to MFG for repairs
Rung Reamer Tool only - avail for purchase or loanRR-1$220.00/ea/NET
    Replacement cutting bits only for reamer tool$55.00/ea/NET
Rung Reamer Tool - Heavy Duty
(for rungs 26" or longer) - avail for purchase or loan
Rung Plates - You must advise rail size and series number of ladder (ex: 1500A, 900A, 525C)
4/ea rivets needed for each plate - you must purchase separately
    #1 - plain plate no hole$7.00/ea
    #2 - plain plate with 1 rung hole (for #2 plate only - need to know if hole is centered or offset)$8.00/ea
    #3 - plain plate with 2 rung holes$8.00/ea
    #4 - grooved plate no hole$9.00/ea
    #5 - grooved plate with 1 rung hole$9.00/ea
    #6 - plate with 1 rung hole and guide$10.00/ea
    #7 - plate with 2 rung holes and guides$11.00/ea
    #8 - reinforcement plate - no holes$11.00/ea
    #9 - reinforcement plate with rung hole$14.00/ea
    #10 - reinforcement plate/small plate$17.00/ea
Safety Shoes for Ladders
    Safety shoes bulk (no hardware-shoe bodies w/pads)SSW-B$50.00/pr
    For 585A Folding LaddersSSA-585$65.00/pr
    For Aluminum Ladders (universal kit)SSA-U$85.00/pr
    For Fiberglass LaddersSSW-FG$105.00/pr
Safety Shoe Parts Only
    Pads Only (6/ea #1 rivets included per pad)SSR-1$30.00/ea/NET
    Plates Only (no hardware)SSW-P$25.00/ea
Stainless Steel Wear Sleeves - rivets includedSSWS$10.00/ea
Staypoles Complete$620.00/pr
Staypole Parts Only
    Mount Pin (includes hitch pin and chain)$25.00/ea/NET
    Hitch Pin Clip & Chain w/rivet$25.00/ea/NET
    Spike Bottom$30.00/ea/NET
    Clevis pin only$15.00/ea/NET
    Tilt Pin and Nut$50.00/ea/NET
    Bracket with Tilt Pin (need to know ladder type)$125.00/ea/NET
Stop Assembly Complete - includes plate stop and rung stopST-1$45.00/ea
    For double rung style ladder$55.00/ea
    Rung Stop only with 2/ea rivets$25.00/ea
    Rope (specify 3/8" or 1/2")RT-1$12.00/ea/NET

Other Price Lists

Safety Note

All ground ladders shall be service tested per NFPA-1932(current edition), before being put into service for the first time, at least annually, anytime it is suspected as unsafe, subjected to impact, overloading, exposed to direct flame, when a heat label turns dark and always after being repaired unless that repair is only changing out rope/halyard.
Duo-Safety Catalog REQUEST A
Pround Members Of:

Fire Apparatus Manufacturers Association National Fire Protection Association International Fire Service Training Association NY State Association of Fire Chiefs Wisconsin Safety Council

We suggest all Fire Departments refer to both the National Fire Protection Association (N.F.P.A.) and the International Fire Service Training Association (I.F.S.T.A.) for complete and proper practices and usage of Fire Service ladders.

National Fire Protection
Association (N.F.P.A.)

1 Batterymarch Park
Quincy, MA 02169
Phone: 1-800-344-3555
Fax: 1-617-770-0700
International Fire Service
Training Association (I.F.S.T.A.)

930 North Willis
Stillwater, OK 74078
Phone: 1-800-654-4055
Fax: 1-405-744-8204